Top 10 Accounting Software For Freelancers 2023

 Managing a business involves carrying out various office, administrative and accounting tasks. If a large company hires the best professionals, a small structure tends to turn to software. Here are 10 accounting software for freelancers to know.

  1. Sinao

Cash management and bookkeeping become easier with Sinao software. It is a digital accounting tool, accessible at any time via an internet connection. It is not only one of the accounting software for autoentrepreneurs, but also for business leaders. Customer service is also available 7 days a week for assistance and tutorials.

Sinao contributes to business development in different ways. First, the preparation of quotes and invoices is one of its basic functions. Then, the preparation of the accounts can be automated. Finally, this tool synchronizes with the bank account, allowing you to easily control your expenses.

Sinao is the invoicing software of some 3,000 companies. Its automation system is highly appreciated by contractors. Some options of the tool such as issuing quotes and simple invoices are free. There are also advanced functions, paid for, allowing optimal management of accounts and cash.

  1. Magniv Pro

Magniv Pro is the French accounting software designed to meet the needs of self-employed people. It is easy to use and does not require any special technical knowledge or skills. Able to accommodate up to 5 employees, it allows your team to efficiently manage all your administrative tasks.

Moreover, it has an intuitive dashboard in which you can create, edit, but above all follow your invoices, your estimates as well as all your activity data. Indeed, all the information relating to your accounting is saved in a single database, which gives your team access to your data from a single interface.

Available in a free version, benefit from the additional features of Magniv Pro from €6 excl. VAT/month.

  1. Freebe

Freebe is an invoicing tool for freelancers. It also makes tasks easier and faster through automation. This software retrieves customer data: name, contact details, Siret, VAT and other useful information. It then transfers them, intuitively, to the quotes and/or invoices. In addition, the documents are written in a format that complies with legal provisions.

Freebe offers freelancers the opportunity to better manage their time and boost their career. A freelancer can, for example, calculate his working time with this tool and estimate the profitability of his activity. This allows him to adjust his rates, with the statement of processing time to justify it.

Freebe also allows entrepreneurs to track invoicing, payments and reminders. This software can be directly synchronized with his bank account. Accounts are updated instantly. With prior authorization, the tool can also make the necessary declarations to the URSSAF.


Indy is accounting software for freelancers. It is synonymous with simplicity and practicality. This intuitive interface is perfectly suited to the needs of people with no experience in this area. It provides all the necessary accounting documents, from the declaration to the balance sheet. Moreover, a few hours are enough to establish the annual result.

Task automation is at the heart of the process with Indy. No more need to make entries as well as a bank reconciliation. This software can be linked to the current account, facilitating the comparison. Indy also distinguishes expense and revenue types based on manual categorization previously performed. The tax declaration is also done in a few clicks with this tool.

The Indy team is made up of 70 specialists, ready to support entrepreneurs on a daily basis. It is trusted by more than 40,000 independent professionals.

  1. Zoho Invoice

Companies seduced by the invoicing tool Zoho Invoice number in the millions. This online software is free and offers interesting features. Among other things, it allows you to edit invoices, track working time and make reminders.

Zoho Invoice has been supporting professionals in different sectors for a decade. This tool is perfect for those who have clients abroad. The invoice can be written in different formats, languages and currencies. It is also possible to customize invoices. es with its logo, for example. It only takes a short time to complete the whole operation. Recurring actions are also automated.

It is the entrepreneur who then chooses the method of sending the invoice: email, telephone or dedicated platform. It tracks the entire process, from quote to payment, via a personalized dashboard. The data is available at all times via his mobile phone.

  1. My Portal

Management and invoicing become easier with the My Portal tool. It is an account software designed to meet the needs of self-employed entrepreneurs. It not only allows to create quotes and invoices, but to efficiently manage one's business activities.

The My portal software simplifies the invoicing method and makes it an asset for customer loyalty. First of all, invoices are customizable. They are then sent directly online and reach customers quickly. Finally, the drafted invoices contain all the mandatory information.

My portal is also part of the accounting software for autoentrepreneurs. This makes it possible to follow the evolution of its turnover, to estimate the amount of its social security contributions and to establish its accounts.

My portal also includes a Page Pro website editor allowing entrepreneurs to have a digital presence. It gives access to various services: insurance, professional bank account, payment terminal and others.

  1. Gest4U

Gest4U is an all-in-one software for autoentrepreneurs. It facilitates the management of a company in different ways: automation of accounts, bank synchronization, remote declaration, etc. These methods are designed to save time and efficiency. Even inexperienced entrepreneurs reap benefits with this tool.

The invoice and quote editor can be used free of charge. Gest4U also supports entrepreneurs in cash management and accounting. These professionals can also keep an eye on the deadline for social declarations via the tool. The amounts due are also calculated automatically.

Because business needs change, Gest4U offers tailor-made solutions. He also supports entrepreneurs from multiple sectors and subject to different regimes. Support is available by instant messaging for any questions related to the configuration or use of the tool.

  1. Need Me

Accounting, managing invoices and performing administrative tasks are easier with NeedMe. This tool is perfect for micro-enterprises, self-employed and freelancers.

First, quotes and invoices are prepared in just a few clicks. The services are also memorized to be reused later. An organized dashboard also makes it possible to follow the evolution of its activities: statistics of expenses, profits, etc. This makes it possible, among other things, to forecast expenses, estimate social security contributions and observe delays. Declarations to URSSAF and payment of contributions are also possible directly via the platform.

The customer relationship is completely customizable with NeedMe: creation of personal file, automatic statement of contact details, etc. The autoentrepreneur can consult the history of invoices and quotes, past exchanges and deadlines on a single platform. This solution is practical for finding regular customers.

  1. is the solution to manage its commercial activities in a simple way. This practical and intuitive software accompanies both novices and experts. It is more precisely a tool adapted to structures employing less than twenty employees.

The tasks of a company are numerous: quotes, invoicing, social declarations, accounting, payroll, etc. offers various tools to facilitate task management. Quotes, invoices and delivery notes are published in a compliant format in a short time. The accounts are, for example, automated up to the balance sheet. Payroll and DSN management is also optimized. is also an EDI partner that generates and transmits the tax package in due form.

Support from comes in different forms: telephone or mailing support, FAQs, video tutorials, webinars, etc.

  1. MyAE

MyAE is an invoicing software that can be used free of charge. It is designed to support microentrepreneurs and self-employed entrepreneurs in their professional activities. This online tool is unanimously accepted by thousands of small structures. All you have to do is open an account to access different features. Access is possible from a simple email address and password.

This software does more than creates bills. It evolves at the same time as the demands of companies. MyAE is an intuitive and simple to use interface. Invoice creation is made easier with various tools: myAccount, myFacture, myDevis, etc. MyAE automatically transfers essential company data to official documents.

MyAE provides entrepreneurs with a dashboard to monitor the evolution of turnover. A clear vision of its activities also makes it possible to anticipate risks. Unpaid bills and turnover forecasts are accessible via the platform.

What are the obligations for autoentrepreneurs in terms of accounting?

Autoentrepreneurs are subject to the same obligations as other companies with regard to invoicing. They must therefore issue clear and legible invoices, including certain mandatory information such as the name or business name of the self-employed entrepreneur, his address, the intra-community VAT number (if applicable), information about the customer (name, address, etc.). ), a precise description of the products or services sold as well as the unit and overall price including tax.

Autoentrepreneurs must also give their client a duly signed and dated invoice for each purchase made. This invoice can be sent by email or printed, depending on the customer's preferences. Once the invoice has been issued and sent to the customer, it is advisable to keep an archived or digital copy as proof of the purchase and the services provided.

How to choose accounting software for self-employed?

There are several software solutions on the market that offer pre-designed invoice templates and invoice management tools. These solutions are designed to help freelancers manage their billing obligations quickly and easily. Software can automate the process of sending, tracking, and paying invoices, allowing self-employed businesses to increase productivity and increase profits.

The software also offers a centralized solution for storing and organizing invoice data, making it easy for freelancers to find the information they need. Many solutions also offer additional features such as the integration of online payment systems and the ability to send automatic reminders to their customers if an invoice is unpaid for a certain period of time.

It is therefore essential for self-employed entrepreneurs to choose software adapted to their activity to ensure that legal and tax obligations are respected. It is important to consider business needs and choose a solution that offers useful features, a user-friendly interface, and good support to solve any problem encountered. Self-employed people can also consult the opinions of other users on the Internet or search for the software recommended by their local government to ensure that they are making the best choice. Once the appropriate solution is found, they can start managing their billings easily and quickly.


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